Makeup organizers, we all have them but forget to clean them! It’s quite common to forget or push off cleaning everything up but it’s super important! Recently, I was asked on TikTok if I could share what my organizer looked like. Then I realized, it was a horrible mess! Here’s the ULTIMATE list of everything I did to clean up!

1. Take it ALL out
I recommend dedicating about 2 hours to this, that’s how long it took me! Start by taking everything out and putting it onto a flat surface, this helps you with being able to see everything and decide how you want to organize it, but I’ll help you with that! Play some music, put on your favorite show, etc. try to enjoy this time, you may also find some old favs that you’ve forgotten about!
2. Cleaning

Now that everything is spread out onto a flat surface start taking everything out and grab a trash bag, antibacterial wipes, and makeup wipes.
- First: Make sure to throw out anything that is expired. To check if something is expired: look for the small container label typically found on the back of the makeup product. The small container might say for example 9M which indicates that the makeup will expire after 9 months of purchasing.
- Second: Wipe down any makeup products that have gotten dirty with a makeup wipe.
- Third: Take out ALL of your makeup brushes and put them aside to clean them!
- Fourth: Clean your makeup organizer with antibacterial wipes and wipe down your vanity if you have one! If you think anti-bacterial wipes won’t finish the job, rinse your organizer under some lukewarm water and dry with a washcloth.
3. Cleaning Your Brushes

It’s now time to clean your brushes! I’ll walk you through how to easily clean your brushes at home, which will also dry overnight!
First, make sure to test on one makeup brush at first to see how your makeup brush reacts!
- Grab your makeup brushes and put them onto a dry paper towel. Have another paper towel out too, this is where you’ll put the wet makeup brushes.
- Mix two parts dish soap with one part olive oil. (it’s best to do this in a bowl!)
- Gently swirl one makeup brush in the bowl, do this for about a minute. Keep in mind to not let the top of the handle/top of the brush hit the mixture. It’s important to not get that wet because you can risk ruining the glue holding the brush together!
- After a minute or two of swirling start to rinse all of the soap out of the brush with lukewarm water. Take your time to ensure that you are getting all the product out. If you think you’ve gotten all the product out, double-check! (With smaller makeup brushes you can bunch them but for bigger ones do them one at a time to get all the makeup out!)
- When all the brushes are thoroughly cleaned grab a paper towel and gently pat the paper towel down on the brushes. Let air dry overnight on a dry paper towel.
- You’re done, now you should have clean makeup brushes!”
- To read the rest on how to clean your makeup brushes click here!!
Here is my viral video on how to clean makeup brushes if you need more guidance:
4. Organize Makeup

In the meantime, while the brushes are drying we are going to organize everything! I like to organize my makeup according to my routine, so it’s easier to find everything as I do it.
Here are some other ideas:
- Organize everything by type, ex: foundations, concealers, blushes, bronzers. OR you can have it by your routine, but it’s totally up to you!!
- Having a drawer of your all-time favs
- Having a draw that’s just your everyday makeup routine
- A drawer of higher-end products, for when you feel like wearing them!
Play around with what is best and works best for you and your routine!
Here is the video guide on how I did everything too:
Now you know everything you need to know about cleaning and organizing your makeup organizer! Subscribe to keep up with for more content like this!!